
Special Education Grad Fosters Inclusive Education in Rhode Island Classrooms

23岁的梅根·波默罗伊(Megan Pomeroy)将其归功于M.A. Special Education 4+1 program and faculty mentors with helping her find her passion for creating supportive learning environments.

作者:Jordan J. 费兰的19
梅根·波默罗伊称赞M.A. Special Education 4+1 program and faculty mentors with helping her find her passion.

Building upon her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and minor in American Sign Language, Megan Pomeroy, 23岁, 布里斯托, R.I.她将以M学位毕业.A. in Special Education and multiple Rhode Island Department of Education certifications. She has already made significant contributions as a student teacher in the Bristol-Warren Regional School District, 她在哪里支持和授权幼儿园, 第一,, 二年级学生. 热爱全纳教育, Pomeroy said she seeks to make a positive impact as a special education inclusion teacher in Rhode Island, continuing her mission to cultivate nurturing learning environments where every student can thrive.

找到她的激情: “When I started in the Elementary Education program, I thought I knew what education was and what my part would be in it. I had never 真的 considered special education. 但当我在大学里和. Adam Moore, I was immediately interested in this specialization. The class encouraged us to look back on our own education and consider our own communities through the lens of diversity, 股本, 和包容. I quickly realized that my passion for education lies not just in teaching and passing on a love of learning but in making educational environments places that are truly welcoming and accommodating for all students. When the Special Education 4+1 program became available, 我知道这就是我想要走的路. 是和已经认识我的教授, and it focused on the area where I feel I can make the biggest difference. The program is designed to flow well between the undergraduate and graduate work, and it taught me not just how to be a good teacher, 但如何成为一个更好的学习者.”

灵活的程序: “The flexibility of the 4+1 program is a huge benefit. 因为课是在晚上, I’ve been able to student teach full time in the classroom during the day and have time in the evening to engage in courses that make my day-to-day teaching more effective. 它不仅对我的日程安排有帮助, but the flexibility in pacing and timing of classes opens the programs to in-service teachers who are looking to expand their education as well. I had classes with people who had been teaching for almost 20 years and collaborating with them provided 真的 valuable insight.”

教师指导: “RWU经历了一次转型. I am a completely different person than I was five years ago, in a good way. 我的教授们,尤其是博士. 克利Ullucci, 鼓励我更多地为自己辩护, 了解我的价值, 和, 用她的话来说, 用我的力量做好事.“我认为在人生的某些时刻, it’s easy to say that I would make different choices; but, 真的, 我不会改变这个选择.”
