
Don’t stress – college admission offices understand what’s going on in 20/21

Amy Tiberio,负责招生管理的副校长

The list of things that have been upended due to the pandemic is not short. Many of the “traditional” activities involved with the college search and admission process are definitely on there. 参加大学开放日, 在你的学校或当地的大学展览会上会见招生代表, 参加你的sat或act考试. 和, how will the admission process be impacted by all the fall 2020 applicants who deferred their enrollment and the high school activities that were canceled last spring and this fall? 我们知道你有很多烦心事, so let’s tackle each one to help you feel better about this process – because you don’t need to stress!

  1. How do I do a college search if I can’t attend open houses or visit all my schools in-person? 首先,有很多大学(包括RWU) that are offering campus visits with lots of safety protocols in place. 容量可能有限,所以经常查看网站并提前计划. However, you won’t find large, in-person open house events right now. 但, not to worry – colleges are being creative about offering virtual events that will still connect you with professors and students. In fact, most colleges are offering even more unique sessions and opportunities in the virtual space. You’ll find advice sessions on topics like writing your college essay, Q&A opportunities with current students, live-guided virtual tours, and more! We have really enhanced our virtual visit opportunities to get you as close as possible to the on-campus experience. Ask lots of questions and take advantage of any opportunity to hear directly from current students!
  2. “表现出的兴趣”呢?? 你可能听说过这个词,也可能没听说过. 本质上, it means that many colleges consider the actions you’ve taken that show your interest in their school - things like visiting for a tour or attending an event. Right now, you may not be able to or feel comfortable doing these things. 你不会被处罚,因为我们完全理解! 你也可以通过参加虚拟活动来展示你的兴趣, 直接联系你的招生顾问, and thoughtfully answering any college-specific questions on the application.
  3. 现在很多大学都不需要考试,但是奖学金呢? RWU是测试可选的 10年以上 for both admission and scholarships, so nothing really changes around here. 但, other colleges that have changed their policies temporarily are likely changing them for scholarship consideration, 太. 再一次。, we understand what’s going on right now and are adjusting these policies to be as equitable as possible. Best to check with each college you’re considering, though, to confirm the details of their policy.
  4. Heard that many more students deferred their enrollment from last fall? We know that there is concern about how this might impact the competitiveness of the admission process for fall 2021. 但, the reality is that for most colleges even the increased number of enrollment deferrals is still a tiny percentage of their incoming class. 因此,影响是不可衡量的. 和, many of these students have deferred to the spring semester and not next fall.
  5. 大学 like to see involved students, but my activities were canceled, what now? This is another issue we are well aware of, and will not penalize students for. 也许有机会做不同的活动, but most of us are just trying to get by and focus on staying safe right now. So, activities are not a priority when you have bigger concerns to address. 别担心. You can use the opportunity in your college application to explain how your activity involvement was affected so that we completely understand.

The moral of the story is that we won’t hold anything against you that you have no control over. 和, colleges are being extraordinarily flexible, understanding, and adaptable during this time. So, 第一条:保证自己的安全和健康, 2 .尽你所能做好每一件事, 第三,如果我们能以任何方式提供帮助,请网赌的十大网站. 我们都在一起!
