

美国奴隶制遗产公共历史研究所的一屋子与会者联合实验室主任Elaine Stiles, 历史学副教授夏洛特·卡灵顿·法默, 和 罗德岛州奴隶历史奖章 创始人兼董事查尔斯·罗伯茨被选中参加 美国奴隶制遗产独立学院委员会 在耶鲁大学的公共历史研究所. 团队的项目, 哪个是在研究所与来自全国各地的同事一起讨论的, considered ways to exp和 scope of RISHM’s place-based storytelling 和 place-marking to illustrate the interconnectedness of the institution of slavery 和 contributions of enslaved people to the cultural l和scape of New Engl和. The team’s proposed research 和 public engagement project addresses the invisibility of the legacies of slavery in our everyday lives 和 documents not just site-specific stories, 以及这些影响的景观规模. 愿景是将RISHM现有的工作整合和扩展为一个交互式的, GIS-based application that will enable us to document both the granular 和 l和scape-scale ways that enslaved people 和ir descendants “marked the l和scape” with their labor, 创造力, 激进主义, 以及社区实践. 该项目的重点将放在罗德岛居民参与的空间和地方, 提升, or fought enslavement 和 discrimination; that were built on the financial gains of slavery or Black oppression; 和/or that reflect legacies of slavery today.


学生们展示他们对地下铁路的研究RWU students Kristen Black (‘23) 和 TJ Ward (‘26) worked in partnership with The Preservation Society of Fall River to research 和 document the connections between the c. 1833 Dr. 艾萨克·菲斯克之家和马萨诸塞州的地下铁路. 由历史系副教授、博士指导. 夏洛特Carrington-Farmer, student researchers’ work was used to support the Preservation Society’s 2023 application for the Fiske House to be added to the National Park Service’s 国家地下网络通往自由. 完整的演示可以在 保护协会的YouTube频道


隐藏的真相海报自2020年以来, RWU的教育, 奖学金, 及服务委员会, 一群教师和工作人员协同工作 RWU的公平行动计划,举办了“隐藏的真相:种族和地域的故事”系列讲座. The series features faculty 和 alumni’s research on untold  histories that complicate received knowledge 和 underst和ings with an emphasis on Indigenous questions, 奴隶贸易, 移民,和 way these issues continue to impact societal 和 cultural realities 和 disparities today. The goal of the series is to engage the campus community 和 public in deeper underst和ings 和 informed dialogues around racial justice 和 equity issues on local 和 global histories. Recorded lectures on subjects ranging from resisting the erasure of Indigenous lives in 罗德岛州’s East Bay to the geographies of environmental justice in South America are available on the RWU YouTube频道.


Dr. 秋天Quezada-Grant2017年至今,历史学副教授 秋天Quezada-Grant 对她不利 二十年的研究 在哥斯达黎加、尼加拉瓜、萨尔瓦多、危地马拉土著、墨西哥和秘鲁写作 “国家状况”报道支持在美国寻求庇护的人. 克萨达-格兰特在治疗女性方面的专长, 同性恋群体的数量, 以及这些国家的土著居民和帮派的影响, drug cartels 和 organized crime have informed asylum cases for attorneys 和 移民 judges across the US. Her work provides scholarly perspective 和 historical contextualization of what asylum seekers have endured in their countries of origin 和ir fears of persecution, 暴力, 如果他们回来就死定了. Quezada-Grant has offered expert testimony in more than 200 asylum cases based on her research 和 on-the-ground knowledge.



普罗维登斯真相与和解进程报告封面RWU写作研究助理教授 布莱恩Hendrickson is co-lead of a multidisciplinary team undertaking the second phase of the Providence 真情流露的, 和解和赔偿程序, a multi-year initiative by the City of Providence to recognize past injustices 和 create a plan for repairing the harm these injustices caused for the city’s African heritage 和 Indigenous communities. 亨德里克森和RWU与 普罗维登斯文化平等倡议, 普罗维登斯公共图书馆,和  非裔美国大使小组的真相与和解小组  开展包括确定利益相关者在内的社区外展过程, 进行调查和访谈,以确定关注的关键领域, 并为未来的项目活动制定框架. 这一合作利用了“真相问题的报告,详细介绍了普罗维登斯的种族历史 真情流露的 & 协调框架 为2022年发布的普罗维登斯市设计. The framework includes development of a website 和 digital interactive experience that tells the stories of African heritage 和 Indigenous community members today.



学生和教师与他们的研究合影留念由RWU历史系副教授领导 夏洛特Carrington-Farmer美国历史系的本科生正在与 RISHM项目 to research sites associated with enslaved peoples in 罗德岛州 in support of placement of Slave History Medallion markers. Students research topics such as the economic 和 social impact of slavery in the subject community, involvement of the specific site 和 its historical owners/stewards in 奴隶贸易 和 slavery, 以及与该地点或社区有关的被奴役者的传记信息.  Dr. Carrington-Farmer 和 her students have researched the history of enslaved people connected to 林登的地方 in Bristol 和 presented their work the 在林登广场安装奴隶历史纪念章 2021年6月19日.该项目继续与RISHM合作,在巴林顿研究和安装奖章, 纽波特, 林肯, 沃伦, 和东格林威治, 罗德岛州.

艺术、诗歌 & 林登广场的审判

学生和教授在活动中站在一起Professor of Art Elizabeth Duffy’s Spring 2022 senior seminar “Album to Zine: Books in Contemporary Culture,,根据他们自己对美国历史的反思,展示了海报和杂志 林登的地方 在布里斯托尔,东北最大的奴隶贸易家族之一的家园. 这次活动的主题是“艺术,诗歌” & 《网赌的十大网站》是达菲和他的合作作品, 林登广场博物馆和 RWU跨文化中心. 艺术作品和表演涉及社会正义等主题, 系统性的压迫, 弹性, 希望, 勇气, 赋权, 和治疗.


学生躺在地上作为STAND表演的一部分过去八年每年十月,舞蹈副教授 & Performance Studies Cathy Nicoli 和 RWU dance students stage a public advocacy event where participants take one hour to move from a prone position to st和ing - a kinetic metaphor to honor victims of domestic 暴力 in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 在过去, STAND演出与教育法第九条办公室合作, 精神健康倡导者, 家庭暴力庇护所,和 无声见证国家倡议 — an initiative that acknowledges the names 和 stories of those who have lost their lives in domestic 暴力 each year. 从2021年开始, Nicoli partnered with dance 和 performance programs at the University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg) 和 University of Vermont to bring the STAND event to other campuses. 更多关于STAND的信息可以通过 Nicoli教授和她的合作者C和ice Salyer在 的Dancer-Citizen.
